Nourish your body from the inside, out!
IV Nutrition Therapy is the most efficient way to get all of the vitamins and minerals that are essential for proper organ, brain and hormone function. Significantly improves your mood, stimulates recovery, helps slow aging on a cellular level, improves skin and bone health as well as giving you a major energy and antioxidant boost.
Specially formulated combinations of electrolytes, fluids, vitamins and antioxidants to combat feelings of low energy and fatigue.
Improves your immune system by delivering all the vitamins and antioxidants you need directly to your cells ensuring full absorption
IV Drips bypass the digestion system and provide a glow within. Primarily focused on texture, tone, and clarity.
Effective in boosting and sustaining positive mood. Especially in clients that are predisposed to anxiety, depresson and fatigue.
Your nurse will cleanse the treatment area to avoid any risk for infection or present debris getting into the injection site.
Using a tiny needle, the IV is injected directly into your arm, ensuring all fluids can be absorbed
The drip takes between 30-90 minutes. Sit back, relax, even have a nap while it works it's magic!
Once the drip is finished, you will receive some after care information and you’ll good to go resuming your daily activities.
We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions about IV therapy
that we receive from our clients.
Please contact us if you have more questions. We are always here for you!
IV therapy is a method to quickly administer fluids, vitamins, and minerals directly into the bloodstream. By going directly into the bloodstream, your body can absorb 100% of the vitamins; taken orally vitamins experience about 20% hydration due to the digestive tract.
All of our vitamins are FDA approved and go through high levels of testing. All IVs are administered by a registered nurse and performed under a medical director. Before a client receives IV therapy, their health history is evaluated.
Side effects from an IV drip are generally non-existent or very mild. On occasion, you may experience some discomfort, bruising, itching, inflammation, or redness at or around the site of injection, and this could last from a few minutes to several days. However, true allergic reactions are extremely rare.
Everyone’s pain tolerance is different, but we strive to stick everyone just once with our experienced Registered Nurses. That said, we do offer lidocaine and a numbing spray if you would like!
The frequency of IV therapy is determined on a client-by-client basis. We take a customized approach to suit your individual needs. For preventative health and wellness, we recommend two IV drips per month to help balance out any vitamin deficiencies.
Each cosmetic injection treatment usually lasts 3 to 4 month. However, if you diligently follow our recommended treatment plan to optimize your results, you can extend treatments to 5 or 6 months and even lower the amount used at each visit, thereby reducing your costs while maintaining beautiful, long-lasting results.
Side effects are generally non-existent or very mild. On occasion, you may experience some discomfort, bruising, redness, itching, inflammation, or redness at or around the site of injection that could last from a few minutes to several days. True allergic reactions are extremely rare. However, if you experience throat swelling, pruritic body rash, dangerously low blood pressure, or symptoms associated with anaphylaxis following administration of an injection, visit your nearest emergency department. If you know you are allergic to any of the ingredients — please avoid it!
Get the body you deserve—no matter what your credit score is. We offer low monthly payments & in-house financing. We’ll help you with the simple application process!
Have more questions? We’re here for you Get in touch with us.
The feeling of self-worth, self-confidence, and owning your body is indescribable. We want to help our clients be themselves, but the best version of themselves.
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