Old scars or new scars, our natural laser therapy will help you regain the beauty you had before the scars and stretch marks.
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Scars don't stand a chance
Fraxel for Acne Scars, Surgical Scars, Melasma and Stretchmark Removal is a non-invasive treatment that is clinically proven to be highly effective and safe for men and women with most skin types. It delivers real change that you can’t achieve from creams and lotions that promise to erase these blemishes, but always fail to deliver. For new stretchmarks and scars, which are still red/purple/ blue, this treatment can potentially repair up to 90% of the damaged skin. It is a life changing treatment!
We can laser everywhere except over tattoos.
A topical numbing cream is applied on the skin 45-60 minutes before your treatment. This helps make the experience a more comfortable one for you.
Actual Fraxel laser treatment approximately takes 20 minutes.The laser emitted from the Fraxel device penetrate the skin to the subcutaneous layer where collagen cells reside. It causes tiny wounds inside the skin that trigger the collagen cells to begin repairing the skin in the affected area.
Immediately after the treatment, your skin will feel warm, similar to a mild sunburn for up to 3-5 days. Swelling and redness is common but it will vary from person to person.
Moisturizing cream can be applied to minimize the appearance of pinkness, peeling, and flaking. While the skin is healing on its own, sunscreen must be applied every day to protect against sun exposure. Please know, the imperfections we are addressing may get darker after treatment, this is normal! We are pulling the pigment to the forefront and then out!
Most of our patients are suffering from:
Are not currently pregnant or breastfeeding.
Are not currently on, or plan to be on Accutane.
If this sounds like you, then you are a great candidate for FRAXEL. Your future will be more radiant, brighter, and exactly how YOU want it to be. Book your appointment today.
Fraxel functions as the first non-ablative fractional skin resurfacing treatment. Designed to create a younger looking appearance without surgery and minimal downtime.
The laser creates tiny ‘microthermal’ zones deep into the skin which the skin repairs by pushing out the old damaged skin, and replacing it with new skin. It triggers the natural healing process.
As a result of this, the skin accelerates the production of collagen and new, healthy skin cells.
Over a series of weeks and treatments, stretch marks will tighten and narrow significantly while scar tissue remodels itself, reducing a great deal of their visibility.
Although the results from your treatment are permanent, you will continue to age as normal. The rejuvenated look should last anywhere from five to 10 years.
We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions about Fraxel that we receive from our clients.
Please contact us if you have more questions. We are always here for you!
Fraxel® is a fractional laser that beyond your skin’s surface, into the deeper layers. The laser targets affected areas stimulating your skin’s natural regeneration process. This procedure can be used to treat anything from scarring, stretch marks to wrinkles.
Developed in 2001, Fraxel® has only been gaining in popularity ever since. As this treatment is non-invasive, there is very little risk for side effects. What patients may experience is temporary reddening of the skin in the treated area and possibly a tingling sensation while the treatment is being performed.
Utilizing the skin’s natural regenerative abilities, Fraxel® Skin Rejuvenation restores your youthful look so you look just like you, but better!
Fraxel® Laser Scar and Stretch Mark Removal is best suited for patients who have Melasma, Acne Scarring, Tone and Texture, Pigment / discoloration, Surgical scars.
The procedure works for both men and women and is well-suited for postpartum mothers with after-birth stretch marks.
The newer the stretch marks the better the results. Because all scars and stretch marks have the same physiological composition, the treatment can potentially reduce any type of scar tissue on the body. So whether you have a scar from an injury, or stretch marks from losing weight, this procedure will work for you.
Scar tissue, whether old or new, still has the same underlying physiological characteristics. This means once the underlying collagen cells kick in, the scar tissue will undergo rejuvenation in the same way. It may not fade as well as newer scars and may take more treatments, but we can certainly get results!
Fraxel® results are permanent. Of course this does not mean scarring and new stretch marks cannot occur again. Nevertheless, all scars and a stretch marks treated tend to go away for good.
Patients undergoing Fraxel experience some heat as the laser treatment is administered. Of course pain tolerance is subjective, but a numbing agent is applied to help with comfort, heat and prickliness.
After using Fraxel Laser Scar and Stretch Mark Removal, you may experience some soreness from the injured tissue under your skin. You will also feel a “sunburn” sensation in the affected area. These symptoms go away after a few days.
The cost of getting Fraxel will depend on what conditions you are needing to correct and how big the area is that is being treated. LaserBody M.D. offers a complimentary consultation so you and one of our experienced medical professionals can decide together exactly what you need.
Get the body you deserve—no matter what your credit score is. We offer low monthly payments. We’ll help you with the simple application process!
Have more questions? We’re here for you.
The feeling of self-worth, self-confidence, and owning your body is indescribable. We want to help our clients be themselves, but the best version of themselves.
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